Looking for a local, true farmer's market in New South Wales and ACT, Australia,?
Scroll down this page and you will see the farm markets,
farm stands, roadside stands, produce markets, even garden fruit and vegetable stands and
seasonal community farmer's markets in New South Wales and ACT, Australia,,
sorted by county. Markets offering organic or sustainably grown produce are identified by the words "organic" and/or "sustainable" in Green, next to their name.
If they have a website, the name will be in blue and underlined; click on it and it will open their website.
And if you know of one I missed and want to add it or correct the
information, please click here to ADD a farm,
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What's in season in February 2025, and other timely information:
February brings with it cold weather winter crops, like kale, spinach,
some lettuces, peas, kale, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower,
leeks and early onions,
and from southern areas, like Florida and southern Texas,
strawberries, oranges, sumatras, grapefruit.
New South Wales and ACT, Australia, Farmer's Market Listings in 2025, by county
Click on the resources drop-down at the top of the page, if you need a county map
Australian Capital Territory (ACT)
Riverview Homestead And Hazelnuts -
Uses natural growing practices,
1173 Wallaroo Rd Via Hall , Canberra , ACT 2618. Phone:
026-230-2637. Email:
[email protected]. Directions: At Hall, ACT; Wallaroo Road is
off Barton Highway. Riverview Hazelnuts is 11.73 kms from the Barton
Highway. Open: Weekends from 7am to 7pm and weekdays by prior
appointment. Fresh pick-your-own hazelnuts from late January to February
each year. We use natural practices, but are not seeking organic
certification. Payment: Cash, Visa/MasterCard. (ADDED: December 31,
- Tanbella Orchard - apples and other fruit
20a Beltana
Road, Pialligo. Phone:
0407 29 5521. Late January to June, mainly
apples but also some peaches, plums, quince and pears. (Prices to be
set.) (UPDATED: May 27, 2010, by a visitor) (UPDATED: November 29, 2010)
Bathurst area
- George and Sue's Country Farm Produce -
apricots, cherries, figs, Other fruit or veg, U-pick and already picked,
restrooms, picnic area, picnic area (bring your own food), farm animals,
school tours, group reservations
7 Melrose Drive, Bathurst, NSW 2795.
Phone: 0431 259 749. ALternate phone: 0402 588 475. Open: Please phone
ahead Monday to Friday, from 7 am to 7 pm; Saturday and Sunday, from 7
am to 7 pm. Directions:
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, only. Olives
Olive Oil Homemade Jams. (UPDATED: November 30, 2014) (ADDED: October
15, 2014)
- Offner Orchard pick your own cherries -
cherries, U-pick and already picked, restrooms
99 Akhurst Rd,
Nashdale, NSW 2800. Phone: 0422 424 908. Email:
[email protected]. Open: first three weekends in December;
Open Saturday and Sundays 10am till 3pm. Directions: approximately 10kms
from Orange nsw. off Borenore rd same road as small acre cider last
property on left side of the road.
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, only. (ADDED:
December 10, 2015)
Stockman's Ridge - No
pesticides are used, cherries, picnic area, picnic area
(bring your own food)
2160 Limekilns Rd, Bathurst, NSW 2795. Phone:
02 6365 6212. Fax: 02 6365 6270. Email:
[email protected]. Open: Saturday and Sunday from 9am to
6pm (During Season - November and Dec).
Click here for current open hours, days and dates. Picking updates:
Click here for picking updates. Directions: 21km's north along the
Limekilns Road. On the right hand side. Look for the Bird Netting.
Click here for a map and directions. We do not use pesticides on the
crops. Payment: Cash, Visa/MasterCard.
Click here for our Facebook page.November and December; Please
Contact us to ensure quality and availability.
(UPDATED: October 09,
2015)(UPDATED: January 10, 2013)(ADDED: December 05, 2008)
Bilpin Fruit Bowl - No
pesticides are used, apples, beans, beets, broad beans,
carrots, corn (sweet), cucumbers, eggplant, herbs/spices, onions, peas,
peaches, peppers, persimmons, pumpkins, summer squash, tomatoes, other
vegetables, Other fruit or veg, U-pick and already picked, gift shop,
concessions / refreshment stand, restrooms, picnic area, picnic area
(bring your own food), school tours
2093 Bells Line Of Road, Bilpin,
NSW 2758. Phone: 45671262. Email:
[email protected]. Open: farm open from mid November to the end of
May Weekends and Public Holidays only between 10am and 4pm.
Click here for current open hours, days and dates. Directions:
Click here for a map and directions. We do not use pesticides on the
crops. Payment: Cash, only.
Click here for our Facebook page. (UPDATED: September 21, 2014)
(UPDATED: January 07, 2014) (ADDED: November 21, 2010)
Bilpin Springs Orchard - Apples, pears (including Nashi),
Plums, Peaches, Plums
2550 Bells Line of Road, Bilpin, New South
Wales. Australia. Phone: (02) 4567 1294. Open: from Australia Day to
Queens Birthday Weekend. Please confirm opening times by phone or from
their website. Small commercial orchard open for the public to pick
fruit from our trees from Australia Day weekend to Queen's Birthday
weekend, season permitting. Families enjoy showing their children where
apples come from, and older folks remember days when everyone grew their
own fruit. The orchard practises Integrated
Pest Management to minimise the use of chemicals. Phone to
confirm availability! (UPDATED: February 28, 2011)
- Campanella Cottage - chestnuts
2-10 Davies Lane,
Mt Wilson NSW, Australia. Phone: 02 4756 2035. Open: Weekends only
during season unless an appointment is made.
- Fern Hill - chestnuts
52 The Avenue, Mt. Wilson,
NSW, Australia. Phone: 02 4756 2008. Alternate phone: 0418 676 468.
Open: Chestnuts available from mid April to mid May. Gloves and buckets
supplied. Picking your own walnuts and chestnuts is a fun activity for
the family or just the opportunity to find fresh high quality nuts for
eating or cooking. There are two seasons for walnuts. The green walnut
season is in December, the main season is in autumn at both Mt Irvine
and Mt Wilson.
Kookootonga Walnut and Chestnut Farm - walnuts and chestnuts,
247 Mount Irvine Road, Mount Irvine, NSW, Australia.
Phone: 02 4756
2136. Open: Mid-March to April; during the main season opening hours are
9-5 seven days a week - including public holidays .. Prices were last
reported to be
Picking your own walnuts and chestnuts is a fun
activity for the family or just the opportunity to find fresh high
quality nuts for eating or cooking. There are two seasons for walnuts.
The green walnut season is in December and some properties are open, so
you can use this special product for your own favourite family recipes.
Chestnuts need gloves to pick up the spiky shells which have fallen to
the ground, and break them open to get the chestnuts. Walnuts are just
picked from the ground.
(UPDATED: October 28, 2012, from their website)
Nutwood Farm - chestnuts
22 Danes Way, Mt Irvine NSW,
Australia. Phone: 02 4756 2191. Alternate Phone: 029-427-2415. Email:
[email protected]. Open: Closed in 2013, reopens in 2014.
Directions: Travel 55km from Richmond on Highway 40 (Bell's Line of
Road) to the Mt. Wilson turnoff. Turn right and proceed through Mt.
Wilson and Mt. Irvine T-junction. Turn left again, immediately onto
DANES Way. Follow the signs to Nutwood Farm. (2km). 20 hectares set on
the edge of Wollangambee National Park. An established nut orchard with
large, good quality, fresh chestnuts and walnuts. There is a special
paddock for parking on the farm. Stroll across a mown pathway to the
orchard. Buckets and bags are provided for you to pick your own nuts.
Wear heavy shoes and bring gloves. Plenty of room for children. This is
a special farm gate. Enjoy the experience. (ADDED: October 28, 2013,
from their website)
Pinecrest Orchard
Pick Your Own apples, peaches, plums and pears
2549 Bells Line
of Road, Bilpin, 4567 1143. Directions: situated on Bell's Line of Road,
Bilpin, right behind Bilpin School, 30kms west of Richmond, NSW,
Click here for a map. Late December through April: peaches, apples,
plums, nashi pears, $2 (may increase in 2004).
Click here for more details on the varieties and dates of availability.
From January to May you can enjoy a day out with your family picking
your own fruit, strolling through the fruit trees and appreciating the
adjoining Australian bush.
- TNT Produce - apples, concessions /
refreshment stand, restrooms, school tours, group reservations
Kurts Road Bilpin, Sydney, NSW 2758. Phone: 0410 676152. Email:
[email protected]. Open: End of January to June 2015 Saturday,
Sunday and Public Holidays 10am to 4pm. Directions: Travelling on Bells
Line of Road take the first Street on the left after the Pines Orchard,
which is Kurts Road, follow signs to pick your own.
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, only. We also
sell home made Apple Pies, Apple Juice, Apple Cider, Drinks and other
snacks. (ADDED: January 04, 2015)
Highlands and southern NSW
- Clyde River Berry Farm -
blueberries, youngberries,
boysenberries, blackberries, raspberries and marionberries
Road, South Brooman (near Ulladulla), 4478 1057. December and Jan,
blueberries ($10) as well as some youngberries, boysenberries,
blackberries, raspberries and marionberries, $16.
A visitor writes
on December 06, 2015: "Went to Clyde River Berry Farm. Plentiful
trees with large blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries,
amazing mixed fruit berry ice-cream and 2 dogs that know how to win the
hearts of visitors for a treat of ice-cream. $16kg for blueberries,
$25kg for black/raspberries."
(UPDATED: December 06, 2015)
- Kembla Cherry Orchard - cherries, U-pick
and already picked, picnic area
185 Shearer Drive, Royalla, NSW 2620.
Phone: 0402 442 068. Open: Early December to early January, open 9am to
4pm daily; Closed Christmas day. Directions:
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, only.
Established in 2001, Kembla Cherry Orchard consists of 2000 trees with 6
different varieties. (ADDED: December 29, 2015)
- Moira's Paradise (Organic Blueberries &
Raspberries) - blueberries and rasberries,
697 Nowra Road,
Fitzroy Falls, New South Wales, Australia 2577. Open: Appears to be
closed - see comment below. Directions: Call for directions. Payment:
Cash, only. (UPDATED: December 06, 2015, JBS) (ADDED: January 02, 2011,
suggested by a visitor)
A visitor writes on December 06, 2015: "Visited 07/12/2015 - No
phone number to find if open. Drove from Sydney and found that the place
is closed with a "Trespassers will be prosecuted" sign on their gate.
The berry trees looked to be not maintained and no berries were present
on the trees."
Comments from a visitor on January 02, 2011:
"It is really cheap, has lots of berries. Farm owned by two old people
with no presence on the Internet. Has lots of blueberry trees and
blueberries. In 2010 (currently) does not have any raspberries. Cost is
$20 per kilo, pick your own or pre-picked. Has lots of animals (alpacas,
black face sheep, cats, horses) but not sure if you can feed/pet them.
Unfortunately I did not write down phone number "
- Montrose Berry Farm -
natural growing practices, asparagus, strawberries, English
gooseberries, currants, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries
Street, Sutton Forest 4868 1544. open: October to late March, from 9.30
am to 4.00 pm on Tuesdays to Saturdays. asparagus, strawberries, English
gooseberries, currants, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries. Also
some apples and plums. Organic. (UPDATED: January 28, 2010)
Maruta area
Watkins Family Farm - Mandarins, mushrooms, Honey from
hives on the farm, Fresh eggs, concessions / refreshment stand,
porta-potties, picnic area, picnic area (bring your own food), petting
zoo, farm animals
1006 Singleton Road, Laughtondale, NSW 2775.
Phone: 0418 233 466. Email:
[email protected]. Open: June to September, Every Weekend
from 10am to 4pm. Directions: When visiting our farm drive to Wisemans
Ferry & turn Right into Singleton Road. Drive along Singleton Road
approx 10.6km and our farm is on the right hand side.
Click here for a map. Payment: Cash, only.
Click here for our Facebook page. (ADDED: June 19, 2016)
July 28, 2012)
- Guneemooroo - Olives
Old Grattai Road, Mudgee, NSW 2850.
Phone: (02) 6373 3455. Email us at:
[email protected].
Directions: Located 21 km from Mudgee. Mudgee is 280km north west of
Sydney. Ring or email first for directions. We are open April, May. Our
hours are: Monday to Sunday, 7am to 6pm during harvest time - mid April
to mid May Payment: Olives - we offer 1 litre of previous year extra
virgin olive oil for every 20kg of olives picked; or pay $2.50 per kilo
to take olives home for pickling or pressing
Nowra area
- Misty Mountain Chestnuts - Chestnuts
4342 Braidwood Road,
Sassafrass, NSW 2541. Phone: 4423 0826. Mobile phone: 0408 216 781.
Directions: Sassafras is in the middle of the Morton national park
between Nowra and Braidwood. From Nowra we are 3.5km past the Sassafrass
sign on the north side of the road. From Neriga we are 800meter past
Gretas Road. Look for our signs. We are open in the month of April. Our
hours are: Weekends during April we are open anytime.
- The Real Christmas Tree Farm - Christmas
751 Parma Road, South Nowra, NSW 2541. Phone: 1800 24 25 12.
Fax: 1800 24 25 12. Email:
[email protected]. Directions: From Nowra turn right into
Parma Rd (about 6km south of Maccas)follow signs for 7.5km to the farm.
Heading north into Nowra take first left after Jervis Bay Rd into Parma
Rd then follow signs for 7.5 km to TheReal Christmas Tree Farm. And for
a map to our farm,
click here. Crops are usually available in December. Open: Monday to
Friday 4pm to 6pm. Saturday and Sunday 9am to 6pm. Payment: Payment is
cash or cheque. Christmas Trees are are NZ Radiata shaped 3 to 4 times a
Singleton area
- Dural Christmas Tree Farm - Christmas
879 Old Northern Road, Dural, NSW 2158. Phone: 0418 20 21 20.
Fax: (02) 9651 2020. Email:
[email protected]. Directions: Opposite Hargraves Nursery And
for a map to our farm,
click here. Crops are usually available in October, November,
December. Open: 7 Days from October to December 8am- 6pm Christmas Trees
can be ordered in October on. Payment: The Christmas Tree Farm opens in
October every year also offering the latest in Christmas lights,
decorations and giftware. In the weekends of December the farm has Santa
Claus and live reindeers, for the kids to play with and have their photo
taken. Must bring your own camera.
- Hillsdale Orange Orchard - pick your own oranges
Road, Bulga 2330 New South Wales, Australia. Phone: +61-2-6574 5173.
Aboriginal artifacts (rural memorabilia and aboriginal relics), bush
walking trails (10 km of walking trails
in mostly untouched virgin
forest along Milbrodale Creek and its mountain shelves: bookings are
essential and there is an entry fee), a large bush fernery, farm stay
cottage. Car park; Gardens.
Sydney area
Canoelands orchard - Eggs (free range), Farm market with
fruits and vegetables, Snack bar, Restrooms, nectarines, peaches,
plums, Honey from hives on the
farm, gift shop, concessions / refreshment stand, porta-potties,
picnic area, picnic area (bring your own food), farm animals, school
tours, group reservations, events at your location (call for info)
27 Canoelands Road Canoelands, Sydney, NSW 2157. Phone: 041-968-8039.
[email protected]. Open: 9am.
Click here for current open hours, days and dates. Directions:
Click here for a map and directions. November dec. Payment: Cash,
Click here for our Facebook page. (ADDED: December 22, 2013)
- Northside Produce Market - Wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables,
2220 Miller St,
Civic Park,
North Sydney NSW 2060, Australia. Phone: 02 9922 2299. Email: [email protected].
1st & 3rd Saturday, from
8am-Noon. Directions: See their website. (ADDED: August 22, 2017, JBS)
- Sydney Sustainable Market - Wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables,
TaTaylor Squar, Intersection Bourke + Flinders Streets,
Darlinghurst NSW 2010, Australia. Phone: 0416 525 244. Email:
[email protected].
Saturdays, from
8am to 1pm. Directions: See their website. (ADDED: August 22, 2017, JBS)
TCP Farmgate Tours - Wide variety of seasonal, locally grown
fruits and vegetables, Fresh local eggs, Preserves, jams, jellies, Honey
from hives on the farm, Fresh eggs, Cider mill (fresh apple cider made
on the premises)apples, blackberries, boysenberries, lemons,
loganberries, nectarines, oranges, other berries, other citrus, pears,
peaches, pecans , plums, strawberries, walnuts,
Po Box 71, Lawson, NSW 2783. Phone: 02 4759 3040. Email:
[email protected]. Open: Every Friday leaving Penrith
Railway Station at 9;30, all year round. Directions:
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, only. This is a
tour only. The minibus picks you up at Penrith Railway Station and takes
you to Pick Your Own orchards, roadside stalls, honey farms, organic
farms etc. (ADDED: December 24, 2011)
- Thornbrook Orchard - Apricots, Nectarines, cherries, peaches, plums, figs,
grapes, mulberries, apples and pears
39 Nashdale Lane, Nashdale, New South Wales, Australia 2800. Phone: +61 427 269 437. Email:
[email protected]. Open: It is best to ring before coming to check availability, as
fruit is available seasonally and not all fruit we grow will be available at all times of the year; Fruit availability in season can change on a day
to day basis; that said, December hours are daily, from 9 am to 4 pm up to Christmas, Christmas Eve 9am to 2pm, Closed Christmas Day, Closed 26th to
31st December, then January to April on Saturday 9am - 4pm*, Sunday 9am - 2pm* (Closed weekdays (by appointment only), (* Public Holidays and Easter
Long Weekend 9am - 2pm)(* Closed Anzac Day 25th April and Sunday 26th April), and from May to November there is no Pick you own available. We take
advantage of the fertile volcanic soil to grow you the best fresh fruit. We grow cherries, apricots, peaches, nectarines, plums, figs, grapes,
mulberries, apples and pears. You can come and buy from the shop or wander around the orchard to pick your own fruit (seasonal availability).
fruit quantity is limited it is first in, first served. Look at the weather forecast for Orange. Remember the weather at our farm may be different to
where you live. Strictly NO pets. We are a smoke free. NO smoking is allowed in orchard or sheds.
Click here for a link to our Facebook page.
(ADDED: February 19, 2020, JBS)
Wisemans Ferry area
Fords Farm - oranges, other citrus, Honey from hives on the
farm, Fresh eggs, gift shop, restrooms, picnic area
1275 Singleton
Road, Wisemans Ferry, NSW 2775. Phone: 02 45663127. Fax: 02 45663127.
[email protected]. Open: Saturday, Sunday and Public
Holidays, from 10 am to 4 pm. Picking updates:
Click here for picking updates. Directions:
Click here for a map and directions. Mandarins, Citrus: May 29 to
August 29. Payment: Cash, only. Mandarins, cumquats, limes, lemons,
oranges and kaffir limes. (ADDED: June 28, 2010) (UPDATED: March 27,
Young area
Allambie Orchard
Olympic Highway, Wombat NSW 2587. Phone: (02) 6384
3243. Mobile: 0418 462 821. Email:
[email protected].
Opening hours: 9.00am - 6.00pm Daily
through cherry harvest (November- December, 3 January 2011 was their
last day). Directions: The nearest Airport, Sydney is approximately
241.1 miles away. The nearest Gateway, Sydney is approximately 241.1
miles away. (UPDATED: January 8, 2011, from their website)
Ballinaclash Orchard - Pick Your Own Cherries,
strawberries, and apricots
Olympic Highway South, Young 2594 New
South Wales. Phone: +61-2-6382 3696. Email:
[email protected].
Family owned orchard. Directions: just 6km south of Young. Cold drinks,
prepicked fruit and jams available from the roadside stall. Shaded
picnic areas. Open: daily throughout the Cherry season (normally, mid
November through December). BBQ Facilities; Car park; Coach Parking;
Picnic Area; Public Toilet; Shaded Area. Our Pick-Your-Own Orchard is
mainly CHERRIES but we also offer pick your own strawberries and
apricots (upon availability). Whether you're a beginner picker, just
wanting to sample the warm hospitality of Ballinaclash and experience a
fun day in the country or you are a more serious picker, keen to take
home an abundance of our delicious, high quality fruit...everyone is
welcome at Ballinaclash Pick-Your-Own. (UPDATED: July 14, 2009)
- Bit o' Heaven PYO Cherry Orchard -
cherries, plums and grapes
Fontenoy Road, Young, 6384 3353. Late Nov to Christmas, then late Jan to
Apr, cherries $4.50, plums and grapes (prices to be set).
- Cherry Hill South Orchard -
Cowra Road, Young,
6382 2513. Nov and December , cherries (price to be set).
Gleann Mohr Farm - Minimizes
chemical and pesticide use, cherries, peaches, strawberries,
Honey from hives on the farm, Fresh eggs, U-pick and already picked,
gift shop, restrooms, picnic area, school tours
4249 Olympic Highway,
Young, NSW 2594. Phone: 0438 593 423. Email:
[email protected]. Open: Cherries: From Late October to
January; Most days from 10am to 5pm; Strawberries: From late October to
May; Most days from 10am to 5pm; Please call before hand to verify if we
are open.
Click here for current open hours, days and dates. Picking updates:
Click here for picking updates. Directions: 8km South of Young on
the Olympic Highway (Wombat Rd) just after Hollands road. The farm is
located on the right hand side when travelling south. If you are coming
form Wombat, the farm is 7km north of Harden Wombar Road towards the
town of Young. Look out for the Hollands Road sign. the farm is located
on the left hand side where the sign is posted.
Click here for a map and directions. Cherries: From Late October to
January; Most days from 10am to 5pm Strawberries: From late October to
May Most days from 10am to 5pm. We minimize use of pesticides and other
chemicals. Payment: Cash, only.
Click here for our Facebook page. We are a family owned farm
providing a family friendly atmosphere for picking your own summer
fruits. (ADDED: January 09, 2011) (UPDATED: June 20, 2012)
October 28, 2012)
- Lynton Orchards Robert Road -
cherries, plums
Young, 6382
1685. Mid-Nov to late March, cherries $5, plums about $2.
Main Range Cherry Orchard - cherries, U-pick and already
"main Range" 831 Boundry Road, Young, NSW 2594. Phone: +61
0263 84 32. Email:
[email protected]
. Open: Saturday through to Tuesday, from 8am to 4pm; CLOSED
CHRISTMAS DAY. Directions:
Click here for a map and directions. Cherries available mid November
through to late December. Payment: Cash, only.
Click here for our Facebook page. (ADDED: September 22, 2011)
- Wombat Heights Orchard -
cherries, strawberries
Wombat Road, Wombat, 6384 3208. Mid-Nov to late December , cherries $6,
strawberries (price to be set).
Northeast NSW
Willandra - No pesticides are used Wide variety of seasonal, locally grown fruits and vegetables, Fresh
local eggs, Preserves, jams, jellies, Turkeys (organic, not-hormone-fed)
461 Ridge Road, Cooks Gap, NSW 2850. Phone: 0428840998. Email:
[email protected]. Open: Email for details. Directions:
Click here for a map and directions. We do not use
pesticides on the crops. Payment: Cash, only.
Click here for our Facebook page. (ADDED: August 11, 2021)
Northwest NSW
- Hillside Orchard and Craft Centre -
The Escort
Way, Borenore, near Orange, 6365 2247. Early December -early Jan,
cherries, $3.50-$5 (you can also buy picked berries or stone fruit).
- Huntley Berry Farm -
strawberries, raspberries, currants,
youngberries, brambleberries and other berries
Huntley Road, Huntley,
near Orange airport, 6365 5282. Nov-May, strawberries $6, raspberries,
currants, youngberries, brambleberries and other berries $7; feijoas,
about $2.
- Koolkuna Berries -
Spring and autumn raspberries,
strawberries, English gooseberries, currants, blueberries,
brambleberries and jostaberries.
Nowendoc Road, Niangala, 6769 2221.
Late Nov-May. $10-$15.
- Menah Orchard -
peaches, apricots, nectarines, plums,
olives, pecans, almonds, apples, quinces and pears
Lot 9, Gulgong
Road, Mudgee, 6372 1059. December to March, $2.50-$3.50.
- Norland Fig Orchard -
Bradley Road, Borenore, 6365
2225. Pickers allowed in near the end of the fig season. Call from
mid-April to verify picking dates; about $4.50.
New South Wales (not yet sorted by local area)
- Albury Wodonga Farmers Market - Wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables,
Wodonga Place,
Hovell Tree Park,
South Albury NSW, Australia. Phone: 0414 207 770. Email: [email protected].
2nd Saturday, from
8am to Noon. Directions: See their website. (ADDED: August 22, 2017, JBS)
- Ballina Farmers Market - Wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables,
Bentinck Street,
Commemoration Park,
Ballina NSW 2478. Phone: 02 6686 1251. Email: [email protected].
Sundays, from
6am to 11am. Directions: See their website. (ADDED: August 22, 2017, JBS)
- Bangalow Farmers Market - Wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables,
1 Byron St,
Bangalow Hotel Carpark,
Bangalow 2479. Phone: 0414 595 169. Email: [email protected].
Saturdays, from
8am-11am. Directions: See their website. (ADDED: August 22, 2017, JBS)
- Bathurst Regional Farmers Market - Wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables,
2 Kendall Avenue,
Bathurst Showground,
Bathurst NSW 2795. Phone: 0409 924 182. Email: [email protected].
4th Saturday, from
8am to Noon. Directions: See their website. (ADDED: August 22, 2017, JBS)
- Bega SCPA Market - Wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables,
Zingel Place,
Littleton Gardens,
Bega NSW 2550, Australia. Phone: 0417 860 798. Email: [email protected].
Fortnightly Friday, from
8am to 1 pm. Directions: See their website. (ADDED: August 22, 2017, JBS)
- Blackheath Growers’ Market - Wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables,
On the corner of Great Western Highway and Gardiner Cres,
Blackheath Community Hall,
Blackheath NSW 2785, Australia. Phone: 02 4572 6260. Email: [email protected].
2nd Sunday, from
8am- Noon. Directions: See their website. (ADDED: August 22, 2017, JBS)
- Blue Knob Farmers Market - Wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables,
719 Blue Knob Road,
Lilian Rock NSW 2480. Phone: 02 6689 7484. Email: [email protected].
Saturdays, from
8.30am to 1pm. Directions: See their website. (ADDED: August 22, 2017, JBS)
- Braidwood Farmers Market - Wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables,
Wallace Street,
National Theatre,
Braidwood NSW 2622, Australia. Phone: 02 4842 2626. Email: [email protected]:
First Saturday, from
8am to 12.30pm. Directions: See their website. (ADDED: August 22, 2017, JBS)
- Bulahdelah Genuine Farmers Market - Wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables,
Crawford Street,
Wade Park,
Buledelah NSW, Australia. Phone: 0431 247 457. Email: [email protected].
2nd Saturday, from
8am to 1pm. Directions: See their website. (ADDED: August 22, 2017, JBS)
- Bulli Foragers Market - Wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables,
Grevillea Park Road,
Bulli Showground,
Bulli NSW 2516, Australia. Phone: 0477 109 132. Email: [email protected].
Sundays, from
9am to 2pm. Directions: See their website. (ADDED: August 22, 2017, JBS)
- Bungendore Farmers Market - Wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables,
25 Butmaroo Street,
Bungendore NSW 2621, Australia. Phone: 0490 791 213. Email: [email protected].
Saturdays, from
9am to Noon. Directions: See their website. (ADDED: August 22, 2017, JBS)
- Byron Farmers Market - Wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables,
Butler Street Reserve,
Byron Bay NSW 2481, Australia. Phone: 0407 710 009. Email: [email protected].
Thursdays, from
8am-11am. Directions: See their website. (ADDED: August 22, 2017, JBS)
- Camden Produce Market - Wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables,
Lower John Street,
Camden NSW 2570, Australia. Phone: 0477 224 881. Email: [email protected].
Saturdays, from
7am to Noon. Directions: See their website. (ADDED: August 22, 2017, JBS)
- Carriageworks Farmers Market - Wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables,
243 Wilson St,
Darlington NSW 2008, Australia. Phone: 02 8571 9182. Email: [email protected].
Saturdays, from
8am to 1pm. Directions: See their website. (ADDED: August 22, 2017, JBS)
- Coffs Coast Growers’ Market - Wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables,
Harbour Dr,
City Square,
Coffs Harbour NSW 2450, Australia. Phone: 02 6648 4834. Email: [email protected].
Thursday, from
8am-3.30pm. Directions: See their website. (ADDED: August 22, 2017, JBS)
- Concord Farmers Market - Wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables,
Crane Street,
Cintra Carpark,
Concord NSW 2137. Phone: 0418 11 22 35. Email: [email protected].
1st & 3rd Sundays, from
9am to 1pm. Directions: See their website. (ADDED: August 22, 2017, JBS)
- Denman Farmers Market - Wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables,
Ogilvie Street,
Lions Park,
Denman NSW 2328, Australia. Phone: 0412 242 702. Email: [email protected].
First Saturday (except May), from
8am to Noon. Directions: See their website. (ADDED: August 22, 2017, JBS)
- Dubbo Farmers Market - Wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables,
Macquarie Street cnr Newell Hwy,
Lions Park, Tourist Information Centre,
Dubbo NSW 2830.
Macquarie Valley Food & Wine Inc.
Tel: 0488 685 006. Email: [email protected].
1st & 3rd Saturdays, from
8am to Noon. Directions: See their website. (ADDED: August 22, 2017, JBS)
- Finley Farmers Market - Wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables,
10 Osborne Street (Newell Highway),
Finley NSW 2713, Australia. Phone: 0419 558 869. Email: [email protected].
1st Saturday, from
8am to Noon. Directions: See their website. (ADDED: August 22, 2017, JBS)
- Forster Farmers Market - Wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables,
Little St,
Visitor Centre,
Forster NSW 2428, Australia. Phone: 02 6555 4351. Email: [email protected].
3rd Saturday, from
8am to Noon. Directions: See their website. (ADDED: August 22, 2017, JBS)
- Gaia Ulladulla Farmers Market - Wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables,
Princes Highway,
Civic Centre,
Ulladulla NSW 2539. Phone: 0406 995 469. Email:
[email protected].
Thursdays, from
2pm - 5.30pm. Directions: See their website. (ADDED: August 22, 2017, JBS)
- Gloucester Farmers Market - Wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables,
DDenison Street,
Billabong Native Garden Park,
Gloucester NSW 2411, Australia. Phone: 02 6558 1408. Email: [email protected].
2nd Saturday, from
8am to Noon. Directions: See their website. (ADDED: August 22, 2017, JBS)
- Harrington Genuine Farmers Market - Wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables,
BBeach Street,
John Oxley Reserve,
Harrington NSW, Australia. Phone: 0431 247 457. Email: [email protected].
Sundays, from
8.30am to 1pm. Directions: See their website. (ADDED: August 22, 2017, JBS)
- Kangaroo Valley Farmers Market - Wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables,
1165 Moss Vale Road,
Kangaroo Valley NSW 2577, Australia. Phone: 0407 928 994. Email: [email protected].
2nd Sunday, from
8.30am -1pm. Directions: See their website. (ADDED: August 22, 2017, JBS)
- Kiama Farmers Market - Wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables,
BBlack Beach, Kiama Harbour Foreshore,
Kiama NSW 2533, Australia. Phone: 0431 823 078. Email: [email protected].
Wednesdays, from
3pm - 6pm. Directions: See their website. (ADDED: August 22, 2017, JBS)
- Leeton Farmers Market - Wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables,
MMountford Park,
Leeton NSW 2705.
Tel: 02 6953 8008. Email: [email protected].
First Saturday, from
8am to Noon. Directions: See their website. (ADDED: August 22, 2017, JBS)
- Lismore Farmers Market - Wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables,
AAlexandra Parade,
Lismore Showground,
North Lismore NSW 2480.
Tel: 0466 415 172. Email: [email protected].
Saturdays, from
8am to 11.30am. Directions: See their website. (ADDED: August 22, 2017, JBS)
- Lismore Produce Market - Wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables,
MMagellan Street,
Lismore NSW 2480, Australia. Phone: 0450 688 900. Email: [email protected]..
Thursdays, from
2.30pm - 6.30pm. Directions: See their website. (ADDED: August 22, 2017, JBS)
- Moss Vale Railway Street Farmers Market - Wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables,
RRailway Street,
Moss Vale NSW 2577, Australia. Phone: 0403 790 777. Email: [email protected].
Thursdays, from
3pm - 6pm. Directions: See their website. (ADDED: August 22, 2017, JBS)
- Mudgee Farmers Market - Wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables,
ccnr Church St and Market Sts,
St Mary's Church,
Mudgee NSW 2850, Australia. Phone: 02 6372 6594. Email: [email protected].
3rd Saturday, from
8.30am-12.30 pm. Directions: See their website. (ADDED: August 22, 2017, JBS)
- Mullumbimby Farmers Market - Wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables,
551 Main Arm Road,
Mullumbimby Showground,
Mullumbimby NSW 2482, Australia. Phone: 02 6677 1345. Email: [email protected].
Fridays, from
7am to 11am. Directions: See their website. (ADDED: August 22, 2017, JBS)
- Murwillumbah Farmers Market - Wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables,
337 Queensland Road,
Murwillumbah Showgrounds,
Murwillumbah NSW 2484, Australia. Phone: 0498 733 766. Email: [email protected].
Every Wednesday, from
7am to 11am. Directions: See their website. (ADDED: August 22, 2017, JBS)
- Nabiac Farmers Market - Wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables,
NNabiac Showground Hall,
Nabiac Street,
Nabiac NSW 2312.
Tel: 0422 177 122. Email: [email protected].
Last Saturday, from
8am-Noon. Directions: See their website. (ADDED: August 22, 2017, JBS)
- Nethercote Produce Market - Wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables,
ccnr Back Creek and Nethercote Roads,
Nethercote Community Hall
Nethercote NSW 2549, Australia. Phone: 02 6495 7102. Email: a href="mailto:[email protected]?subject=Inquiry from a visitor to www.LocalFarmMarkets.org/AUnswact.php/">[email protected].
4th Saturday - Jan, Apr, July, Oct, from
8am to Noon. Directions: See their website. (ADDED: August 22, 2017, JBS)
- New Brighton Farmers Market - Wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables,
NNew Brighton Oval,
River St,
New Brighton NSW 2483, Australia. Phone: 02 6677 1345. Email: [email protected].
Tuesdays, from
8am to 11am. Directions: See their website. (ADDED: August 22, 2017, JBS)
- Nimbin Farmers Market - Wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables,
339 Cullen St,
Green Bank Carpark,
Nimbin NSW 2480.
Tel: 02 6689 1512. Email: [email protected].
Wednesdays, from
3pm - 6pm. Directions: See their website. (ADDED: August 22, 2017, JBS)
- Orange Farmers Market - Wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables,
LLeeds Parade,
Agricultural Pavilion,
Orange NSW 2800, Australia. Phone: 0418 654 226. Email:
[email protected].
May - October 2nd Saturday, from
8.30am-12.30pm. Directions: See their website. (ADDED: August 22, 2017, JBS)
- Orange Farmers Market - Wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables,
ccnr March and Peisley Streets,
Behind Art Gallery,
Orange NSW 2800, Australia. Phone: 0418 654 226. Email:
[email protected].
Nov - April 2nd Saturday, from
8.30am-12.30pm. Directions: See their website. (ADDED: August 22, 2017, JBS)
- Parramatta Farmers Market - Wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables,
CCentenary Square,
Parramatta NSW 2150, Australia. Phone: 02 9806 5824. Email:
[email protected].
Fridays, from
8.30am to 3pm. Directions: See their website. (ADDED: August 22, 2017, JBS)
- Pyrmont Growers’ Market - Wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables,
PPirrama Road,
Pyrmont Bay Park,
Pyrmont NSW 2009, Australia. Phone: 0412 366 165Open:
4th Saturday, from
7.30am to Noon. Directions: See their website. (ADDED: August 22, 2017, JBS)
- Rainbow Region Organic Market - Wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables,
LiLismore Showground,
Alexandra Pde,
Lismore NSW 2480, Australia. Phone: 02 6636 4307. Email:
[email protected]. Open:
Tuesdays, from
7.30am-11am. Directions: See their website. (ADDED: August 22, 2017, JBS)
- Riverina Producers’ Market - Wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables,
WaWagga Showgrounds,
Hammer Hall,
Wagga Wagga NSW 2650.
Tel: 0429 985 222. Email: [email protected].
Thursdays, from
1.30pm - 6pm. Directions: See their website. (ADDED: August 22, 2017, JBS)
- SAGE Moruya Farmers Market - Wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables,
RiRiverside Park,
Moruya NSW 2537.
Tel: 0413 920 620. Email: [email protected].
Tuesdays, from
3pm - 5.30pm. Directions: See their website. (ADDED: August 22, 2017, JBS)
- Shire Farmers Market - Wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables,
FlFlora Street Carpark,
123-125 Flora Street,
Sutherland NSW 2232, Australia. Phone: 0431 769 103. Email:
[email protected].
Saturdays, from
8am to 1pm. Directions: See their website. (ADDED: August 22, 2017, JBS)
- Tamworth Farmers Market - Wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables,
cncnr Fitzroy St & Kable Avenue,
Bicentennial Park,
Tamworth NSW 2340.
Tel: 0428 198 261. Email: [email protected].
2nd Sunday, from
8am to 1pm. Directions: See their website. (ADDED: August 22, 2017, JBS)
- Tarana Community Farmers Market - Wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables,
TaTarana Bushfire Brigade Shed,
Tarana NSW 2787, Australia. Phone: 02 6337 5867. Email:
[email protected]. Open:
4th Sunday, from
10am to 2pm. Directions: See their website. (ADDED: August 22, 2017, JBS)
- Tea Gardens Genuine Farmers Market - Wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables,
MaMarine Drive,
Anzac Park,
Tea Gardens NSW 2324, Australia. Phone: 0431 247 457. Email:
[email protected].
1st Saturday, from
8am to 1pm. Directions: See their website. (ADDED: August 22, 2017, JBS)
- Upper Hunter Farmers Market - Wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables,
7474 Maitland St,
Muswellbrook NSW 2333, Australia. Phone: 0418 976 436. Email:
[email protected]. Open:
Every Saturday, from
8am to Noon. Directions: See their website. (ADDED: August 22, 2017, JBS)
- Wagga Wagga Farmers Market - Wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables,
TaTarcutta Street,
Civic Theatre Gardens,
Wagga Wagga NSW 2650, Australia. Phone: 0412 539 631. Email:
[email protected].
2nd Saturday, from
8am-1pm. Directions: See their website. (ADDED: August 22, 2017, JBS)
- Walcha Farmers Market - Wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables,
FiFitzroy Street,
Walcha NSW 2354, Australia. Phone: 0439 384 433. Email:
[email protected].
3rd Saturdays (Closed June - Aug), from
8.30am to 12.30pm. Directions: See their website. (ADDED: August 22, 2017, JBS)
- Warwick Farm Trackside Market - Wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables,
GoGovernor Macquarie Drive - Main Gates,
Warwick Farm Racecourse,
Warwick Farm NSW 2170, Australia. Phone: 0419 142 822. Email:
[email protected]. Open:
Saturdays, from
8am to Noon. Directions: See their website. (ADDED: August 22, 2017, JBS)
- Wauchope Farmers Market - Wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables,
HiHigh St,
Wauchope Showgrounds,
Wauchope NSW 2446, Australia. Phone: 0428 410 860. Email:
[email protected]. Open:
4th Saturday, from
8am to Noon. Directions: See their website. (ADDED: August 22, 2017, JBS)
- Wingham Farmers Market - Wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables,
121292 Gloucester Rd,
Wingham Showground,
Wingham NSW 2429.
Tel: 02 6550 7213, 0416 247 456. Email:
[email protected].
1st Saturday, from
8am to Noon. Directions: See their website. (ADDED: August 22, 2017, JBS)
- Yamba Farmers’ + Food Market - Wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables,
ClClarence Street,
Whiting Beach Carpark,
Yamba NSW 2464, Australia. Phone: 0423 325 281. Email:
[email protected].
Wednesdays, from
7am to 11am. Directions: See their website. (ADDED: August 22, 2017, JBS)
- Yass Farmers Market - Wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables,
MeMeehan Street,
St Augustine's Hall,
Yass NSW 2582, Australia. Phone: 0411 207 144. Email:
[email protected]. Open:
1st & 3rd Saturday, from
10am to 1pm. Directions: See their website. (ADDED: August 22, 2017, JBS)
- Young & Region Farmers Market - Wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables,
YoYoung Railway Station,
Anderson Park,
Young NSW 2594, Australia. Phone: 0439 638 233. Email:
[email protected].
First & Third Saturdays, from
8am to 11am (Summer) 9am to Noon (Winter)
More info
The listings are frequently updated, but often they don't
tell us current prices, so the prices unless you see this year's update
In addition to listings of farm markets, roadside stands, farm shops and fgarmers markets, I hope the following pages
are helpful to you!
- Picking Tips!
- Recipes
- Simple instructions:
- Canning and Freezing
- Inilah Christmas Trees -
Choose Your Own Christmas tree
242 Shingle Hill Way, Federal Highway ACT 2621. Phone: 02 62369689. Ask
for Keng. Directions: From Canberra get onto the Federal Highway and go
past the 2 overhead bridges. Turn left immediately after Middleton VC
Rest Area onto Shingle Hill Way. 'Inilah' is 2.4 kms on the right. This
farm is the closest Christmas tree farm to Canberra and is 29 kms from
Canberra's CBD. Open: from December 1. Weekdays 3pm to 6pm Weekends 9am
to 6pm. Choose and cut-your-own Christmas tree or pruned Christmas Trees
available from our Christmas Tree farm. 2005 prices: $18 for trees under
1.2 metres and $28 for trees over 1.2 metre.
Local Honey Sources:
Meats, Milk and Eggs:
Farm Venues for Weddings, Events, Activities, Parties and Meetings:
Horse Rides and More:
Farm Bed And Breakfasts
Maple Syrup Farms and Sugarworks:
Click here for salad spinners, washers and other popular kitchen produce accessories